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First Congressional District Republican Party of Arkansas,
and Patriots Across America

It's clear our country is at a tipping point due to pervasive outside influences in our media and politics. This has a direct effect on our legislative, legal, education, financial, election and healthcare systems.


If you, like millions of patriots across this country, are ready to defend our constitution and moral principles for generations to come, then through our faith in God, it's time to pick a lane and take a stand.


This site shows you how to get involved on a local and state level by joining your county committee and also by attending county and district meetings and events.


We present simple, yet effective steps on how to run for office and how you can support your fellow constitutionalists in office to make the change we all want to see in the world.


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District One

Courageous patriots from all four districts in Arkansas and across America have made this a national movement.

We are the Party of We the People. ​


On our "Be Present, One Chance to Save America" page, (link below), we show you steps on how to get involved in your county. Please watch and share.  To stay connected and receive updates, please join us through this simple contact form at the bottom of this page. ​


Thank you and God bless you, and God bless America.

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